5.12 TMJ Tool

Available for the Full Viewer (IE) only. The Basic Viewer can only display already existing regions.

1.  Click on the TMJ 7.6 TMJ icon icon.  When this icon is active, you have the ability to look at the temporal mandibular joints in a two-dimensional view.

2.  Left-click below and to the right of the patient's right condyle (this is a radiological view, so patient's right is the left side of the image).  Alternatively, you could choose a point below and to the left of the patient's left condyle.  The point chosen for this example is highlighted with the red arrow.


arrow pic on TMJ


3.  Move the cursor up and to the left (patient's right) to deposit the second point.  The line that connects these two points should cross over the center and trace the long axis of the joint.


  7.6 TMJ example second point


As soon as this point is selected, the letter "R" appears over this line, indicating the patient's Right side.  A second line appears on the patient's left side that may or may not be over the left condyle.  You can move this line so that it is positioned properly.

4. The following screen will appear:


xoranconnect tmj


A new entry appears in the Navigation menu as "TMJ 1".  You can toggle between this view and others by selecting the desired view in the Navigation menu (top right corner).

The two images in the upper right portion of the screen are the right and left image cuts along the TMJ lines.

The slice thickness is 5.2 mm and can be changed by left-clicking on the Slice Thickness (ST) value in the top right corner of each image and selecting a new value.

The two panes of small images are cuts that are perpendicular to the TMJ lines.  These are equally spaced along the length of each TMJ line.

You can move the TMJ lines by hovering over them with the cursor until they are active (they will change color), and dragging them to the desired location.

You can make changes to the TMJ lines by moving the cursor over them until the TMJ lines change color and then right-clicking with the mouse.  A drop-down menu will appear with options.  You can also make similar changes by right-clicking the corresponding TMJ lines in the Navigation menu and choosing from the following menu options:


5.12 TMJ Tool_2


TMJ Options


Change Name

This changes the name of the TMJ line

Change Color

This changes the TMJ line color.


This makes the TMJ lines invisible.  To make the TMJ lines reappear, right click on the corresponding TMJ lines defined in the Navigation menu and select "Visible".

Go To

Selecting this takes you to the TMJ window (the screen that appears after you define a pair of TMJ lines).


This deletes the pair of TMJ lines.